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Landlords - work with us

We offer an exciting opportunity for land lords to enjoy all the benefits of owning and renting a property  but without the worries it can bring. We offer you a guaranteed rent each month and we set up a legal agreement that is fit for all parties. You can simply sit back and leave the management of your property to us in the knowledge you will get paid each month on the dot - no exceptions.


The S&J Select Rooms team take a real pride in the properties they manage, as if they were their own. We thoroughly vet all potential tenants and aim for long term stays. Each property is professionally cleaned every other week and regular inspections are carried out. On taking on your property, minor upgrades can be carried out by S&J Select Rooms to enhance the living conditions for the tenants and maintain your property in the best possible way.


Further information on how we can work together

We would love to speak to you further about how we can work together. Simply let us have your details below and we will be in touch within 24 hours.

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